Historic Collection over 5,000 Rare LPs, Beatles, Elvis, Rolling Stones and more
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New **Low Price For Today Only**
** Once in a Lifetime Historic Album Collection **
280+ Beatles Albums
200+ Elvis Albums
Over 5,000 Albums All Together
Rolling Stones
Jazz, Sound Tracks, Rock n Roll and much more
Too Many to list here
Lifetime Collection of Unique Music
Many Extremely Valuable Albums for Resale
All are well preserved in vinyl cases
All are well documented
Complete Details available via a Dropbox Link
Here is a very small sample of the library for sale.
A complete listing of the inventory is available to qualified buyers in PDF files for your complete review. Email me with your questions
ITEM DATE RECORD LABEL MONO / STEREO GRADE RETAIL PRICE COMMENTS INTRODUCING THE BEATLES ( All Title Backs) 1964 VJ 1062-M NM/M- $500 $390 CVR: Some edge dings. Black Label-Silv.Print. 1964 VJ 1062-M NM/VG++ $275 $175 As above:PPM/Ask Me-LBL Lite spindle marks –Silv. Print /Blk lbl 1964 VJ 1062-M NM/VG++ $300 $185 Rainbow Lbl.- brackets: PPM/ Ask Me (Disc : side #2-VG+ 1964 VJ 1062-M VG+/VG+ $200 $100 As above Rainbow Lbl. 1964 VJ 1062-M VG+/VG+ $150 $75 Rainbow Label: Brackets/PTG+
scratches “PPM / Ask Me Why” 1964 VJ 1062-M NM/VG+ $200 $125 As above: Disc: 3 lite Scratches Cover- 3 Lite #7 1964 VJ 1062-M VG+/VG $75 $55 Brackets/RB Lbl. #36 Trk. #2. Cover #21 bottom front -1 “ edge discoloration Songs, Pictures and Stories 1964 VJ 1092-M VG+/VG+ $250 $155 Oval Label/ 90% lite ring wear back of ¾ originalcover Beatles With Tony Sheridan & Guests (original) 1964 MGM 4215-M NM / VG+ $145 $95 (& Guests Cover) NM disc –Lite Slidemarks Side #2 (NAP) 1964 MGM 4215-M VG+/VG+ $100 $55 Lite cover stain-Back cover. ++ disc with slidemarks This is Where it all Started 1966 Metro 563-S NM / NM $190 $145 Disc: lite Slidemarks/ Cover: M- slight Corner bend Beatles Story 1964 Cap 2222-M VG++/NM NM $150 $75 Rare 1-2-3-4 Lbl Listings 2 rcds:M-(Spindle Mks) #28 1964 Cap 2222-M VG++/NM $150 $65 1-4,2-3 Lbl Listing: One Long #1 (NAP) 1964 Cap 222-S VG++/NM $75 $50 Disc #2= VG grade Meet The Beatles 1964 Cap 2047-M M-/NM $345 $175 In shrinkwrap/Brown Letters 1964 Cap 2047-M NM / NM $175 $90 Brn Letters-“C” stamp : Back 1964 Cap 2047-M VG++/++ $100 $55 1964 Cap 2047-M NM / VG+ $75 $40 Brown letters on cover 1964 Cap 2047-S NM / NM $150 $67 Brwn Letters-2 lite scratches 1964 Cap 2047-S M-/ VG++ $100 $55 Brn letters. 2” clear tape on unbroken top edge/staple holes Beatles Second Album 1964 Cap 2080-M NM/ VG+ $110 $75 Slidemarks on N/M Disc 1964 Cap 2080-M ++ /NM+ $130 $85 Plays Mint/Spine Wear-on lettering 1964 Cap 2080-S NM / M- $100 $55 Something New 1964 Cap 2108-M NM/VG++ $75 $50 Lite Edge #22/Scuffed NM Disc Beatles ‘65 1964 Cap 2228-M M-/ M- $150 $90 In shrinkwrap-2 very small initials on back cover edge slit 1964 Cap 2228-M NM/NM $100 $50 1964 Cap 2228-M NM/NM+ $135 $99 Virtually perfect disc/Cover 1964 Cap 2228-S NM / NM+ $110 $75 Side #2 is mint. ½” mark on S=1 Early Beatles 1964 Cap 2309-M NM/VG+ $85 $55 Light Ringwear 1964 Cap 2309-S NM/ NM $125 $75 Lite F ront Cvr. edge wear 1964 Cap 2309-S VG+/ M- $100 $50
Beatles VI 1964 Cap 2358-M M- / NM $120 $75 See Label for Order.NM/ ++
edition $55 1964 Cap 2358-S NM / M- $85 $65 5% lite R/W Bttm Front cover 1965 Cap 2358-S NM/VG+ $37 $25 Cvr: clip/ 2 long Lite scratches-NAP Help 1965 Cap 2386-S NM / NM $70 $49 Lite surface marks on disc 1965 Cap 2386-M NM/VG+ $85 $60 Also (1) Copy: Blem F/C= $35 Hard Days Night 1964 U/A 3366-M NM/NM $190 $115 ‘I Cry instead” Cover- Black Lbl. 1964 U/A 3366-M NM/VG+ $100 $60 VG+ Copies= $35 each/ Blk Lbl. Rubber Soul 1965 Cap 2442-M M-/VG++ $80 $60 Cvr: Small #15 BC/Disc=3" #3 1965 Cap 2442-M VG++/++ $75 $55 B/C-Tiny Edge(slick) missing 1965 Cap 2442-M VG+/VG+ $55 $30 -2 1965 Cap 2442-S NM /NM $85 $50 Number Back Cover #2- O.K. Yesterday & Today 1966 Cap 2553-M M-/ NM $80 $60 Paste over cover. #3 RIAA on
back cover/ Slightly creased 1966 Cap. 2553-M NM/ VG++ $75 $50 Gold record Award cover 1966 Cap 2553-S NM/NM+ $125 $75 Cvr: Lite #22-Bttm F/C 1966 Cap 2553-S NM/NM $100 $50 Cvr: 2 Tiny marks /NO Subsidery Lbl 1966 Cap 2553-S NM / NM $100 $40 Gold Record Award cover/ Lite corner bend Revolver 1966 Cap 2576-M NM / VG+ $100 $55 C.O.H -2 1966 Cap 2576-S M- /VG++ $65 $50 Sergeant Pepper 1967 Cap 2653-M NM/VG++ $175 $100 Rare! Mono-Orig. Inner sleeves 1967 Cap 2653-M VG++/+ $150 $75 See Above: Loose Book 1967 Cap 2653-S M- / M- $100 $75 In open shrink wrap ( #3) -2 1967 Cap 2653-S NM/VG++ $90 $60 (1) COH / 4&5 PTG -2 1967 Cap 2653-S VG+/VG+ $60 $30 Tape residue Front Crnr (#5&6) Magic Mystery Tour 1967 Cap 2835-M VG+/VG+ $150 $90 Rare Mono: Book Loose (#6-edge) 1967 Cap 2835-M VG+/ vg $100 $40 Plays Thru-Slight noise/Loose Book/lite cover crease-Back Cvr 1967 Cap 2835-S NM / M- $95 $50 Slight ding - 1 Edge -3 1967 Cap 2835-S NM/NM+ $90 $45 (1)Cvr: 1 dig/Disc- 2 small Marks 1967 Cap 2835-S VG++/VG+ $60 $35 VG + copy= $20 Hard Days Night 1964 U/A 3366-M M- / M- $200 $125 In open shrinkwrap/”I Cry Instead” listing 1964 U/A 3366-M NM / NM $175 $90 “I Cry Instead” lisitng U/A 3366-M VG++/++ $100 $50 1968 U/A 6366-S M- /VG++ $150 $90 3 printing errors: Pink & Orange label : (1) “I Cry Instead” (2) “TELL Me Who” on (3) uncredited label 1968 U/A 6366-S VG+ / M- $50 $30 “I Cry Instead”-Pink/Orange Lbl 1968 U/A 6366-S VG++/++ $40 $25 Pink /Orange Label BEATLES: LATER ISSUES
BEATLES "White Album" 1968 Apple 101-S VG++/++ $60 $45 "Sub. Of Cap./Poster & Pics 1968 Apple 101-S NM/M- $100 $55 "Manu. By Apple (2nd Press) P & P 1968 Apple 101-S VG++/++ $100 $50 #1,733,607 (raised Letters-Orig.) Abbey Road 1969 Apple SO 383-S NM/NM $35 $25 No "HER MAJESTY" on Label 1969 Apple SO 383-s NM/NM $35 $25 As Above 1969 Apple SO 383-s M- / NM+ $90 $35 As above label Rubber Soul 1969 Apple 2442-S VG++/ M- $30 $19 1st press/ "Mfd Apple"/VG+=$14 Yellow Submarine 1969 Apple 153-S VG++/++ $45 $25 100% lite R/W on CAP Logo Label Beatles Again (Hey Jude) 1970 Apple Sw-385-s VG++/NM $25 $19 2nd Press/regular Cvr/#22 Back Let It Be 1970 Apple AR34001s VG+/M- $25 $15 Magic Mystery Tour 1971 Apple 2835-S NM+/NM $25 $19 Gate fold Capitol Logo cover Rubber Soul (2) 1971 Apple 2442-S NM/M- $30 $19 Cap. Cvr:Apple Lbl: slight #22 Beatles 1962-1966 1973 Apple 3403-S VG+/VG+ $20 $10 Beatles 1967-1970 1973 Apple 3403-S M-/M- $40 $20 Gatefold- -2 discs/or VG+= $15 -2 1978 Capitol 11843-S NM/M-/M- $50 $25 2 Blue Vinyl records :G/F cvr. #2- Looks Unplayed Help 1975 U/A 2386-M NM/VG+ $80 $60 Rare 4th Press Mono-All Rights Reserved 1975 U/A 2386-S M-/M- $30 $20 Stereo-4th Press (as above label) Meet The Beatles 1975 Apple 2047-S NM/M- $30 $22 "All Rights Reserved" label Early Beatles 1976 Cap. 2309-S NM/VG++ $18 $14 2nd pressing-Orange Label Sergeant Pepper 1976 Cap. 2653-S NM/NM+ $25 $15 EMI issue: Orange Lbl/Cut-outs 197? Apple 2653-S NM/NM $40 $29 3rd Press- Cutouts/ #30 Side #2 Yesterday & Today (2) 1976 Apple 2553-S M-/M- $60 $44 "All Rights/ Manu. By Apple Lbl
NM/M- pressing = $30 Rock N' Roll Music 1976 Apple 11537-S VG++/++ $25 $14 Minor #22 on Foil Cover Beatles VI 1976 Apple 2358-S M-/M- $30 $22 5th pressing At The Hollywood Bowl 1977 Cap. 11638-S M- / M- $35 $19 As Above Beatles (White Album) 1977 Cap. 101-S NM/NM $40 $29 2nd Pressing; Orange lbl /Poster & Pictures Love Songs 1977 Cap. 11711-S NM/M-/M- $35 $20 Padded Cover-#22/Booklet Rare Beatles 1977 Phoe-nix 1011-S M-/M- $35 $18 UK press-Ifield /Gene Vincent remixes Beatles (White Album) 1978 Cap. 101-S M-/M-/M- $30 $20 With poster & Pictures/Purple Lbl. Rubber Soul (2) 1978 Cap. 2442-S M-/M- $25 $15 3rd release/Purple Lbl/#18-2 Crnr. / or Orange Lbl Something New 1978 Cap. 2108-S NM/NM $20 $14 3rd release/Purple Label Abbey Road 1978 Cap. 383-S NM/VG++ $25 $17 3rd press/"Her Majesty " on Label Hey Jude 1978 Cap. 355-S NM/M- $40 $25 3rd release/Purple Label Hear The Beatles Tell All 1978 VJ Pro 202-M NM / M- $19 $10 Reissue Rock N’Roll Music 197? Cap. 11537-S VG++/M- $20 $12 2 records both M- Rock N’ Roll Music Vol. #2 1976 Cap. 16021-S NM/ M- $20 $12 Green Label: 5% ringwear Back 1980 Cap. 16021-S M-/NM $19 $13 Green Label The Silver Beatles 1982 A/F 2452-? NM / NM $25 $15 With Peter Best as Drummer
Decca audition Tapes Beatles 20 Greatest Hits 1982` Cap. 12245-S NM/ M- ------ $19 With Picture inner sleeve Sergeant Pepper 1983 Cap. 2653-S M-/M- $35 $20 Rainbow Lbel/Cutouts/In Shrink Magic Mystery Tour 1983 Cap. 2635-S NM+ / M- $35 $20 Rainbow Label-No book issued Cap. 2635-S NM /++ $20 $12 Orange label-NO Book issue East Coast Invasion 1985 Cicad. 1964-S NM/M- $17 $12 #18-coh/ Kane Interviews Please, Please Me 1987 capitol 46435-S M-/M- $40 $29 Great Gloss cover /Parlophone Beatles for Sale 1987 Cap/ CLJ46438 NM / M- $29 $19 G/F Mono pressing/ Maroon Label
Parlo. -M
(Listed by DATE OF ISSUE)
Collection Of Beatle Oldies 1966? Parlo. 7016-S NM/NM ----- $20 Black Label- Silver & White print In The Beginning: The Beatles & Tony Sheridan Karau- ssell 045-S NM/NM/ NM $53 $35 German: Subtitled “The Beat
Brothers” /1 small disc scratch Abbey Road 1975 Apple 0704243-S NM/M- $50 $35 German: no “Her Majesty” Label Rock N’ Roll Music 1976 EMI 50506-S M- / M- $---- $----- U.K. Pressing ; EMI/MFP label Rock N’ Roll Music 1977 Parlo. 6138-S VG+/VG+ $15 $12 UK Parlophone –German import Live at the All Star Club- Hamburg 1962 1977 Bela - Phon 5560-M M-/M- $43 $30 German: 2 record , Gatefold I./ German tracks- Original ! Rarities 1977 Parlo. 261-M VG+/VG+ $35 $20 Blue cover Sampler- not for U.S. Export Hard Day’s Night 1977 Parlo. 3058-S M-/M- $50 $38 As above-non gatefold Let It Be 1978 Parlo. 7096-S M-/M- $30 $25 As Above: Diff. I than U.S. Sergeant Pepper 1978 Parlo. 7027-S M-/M-/+ $25 $18 As Above: 1 disc= VG+ -1971 Parlo. 7027-S NM/VG++ $60 $35 Black & white label With The Beatles 1978 Parlo. 3045-S M-/NM $28 $20 Another British Parlophone Yellow Submarine 1978 Parlo. 7070-S M-/NM $25 $18 UK Cvrs. Are Gloss Laminated 1978 EMI 153-S M-/M- ---- $15 Capitol Canadian Release Abbey Road 1978 Parlo. 7008-S VG++/NM $40 $25 U.K. Gloss cover Yeah, Yeah, Yeah 197? Odeon 04-145 VG++/M- $50 $35 EMI German : #16- 2 spots seam Beatles Beat 197? Odeon 4363-S NM/M- $30 $19 German Pressing Decca Audition Tapes 1975 Berkly B 102-M VG+/++ $18 $12 #23/ Disc- 3” #3/ With Peter Best Rock N’ Roll Music 1980 Cap. 16020-S NM/NM+ $15 $10 Capitol/EMI Green Label The Beatles/ Early Years 1981 Phx 1004-S M-/ M- ------ $15 Phoenix pressing-Hamburg recordings Our Best To You 1963 Col. TBS 2-S Vg/M- $20 $15 Columbia Sample 1 Beatles Cut British Rock Classics 1976 Sire 3705-S NM/NM $20 $15 Vol. #1- 2 Near Mint Records 1979 Sire 2340021s VG+/VG+ $25 $18 Vol. #2- Record Club/2 VG+ Disc Sgt. Pepper 1983 Cap. 2653-S NM/ M- $18 $11 gate fold- No book or inserts Please, Please Me 1987 Parlo/ 46435-m NM / M- $25 $19 Capitol RainBow Color band Label . 4th pressing
Beatles for Sale- 1988 Parlo/Cap 46438-m NM / M- $25 $19 Capitol Maroon Label/ Gate- fold
Geotge Harrison 1971 Apple 3385-S NM / M- $39 $25 Boxed With N/M 64 Pg. book/ 3 L.P’s / John Lennon: Walls & Bridges 1974 Apple 3416-S VG++/NM $25 $19 Hard inner lyric sleeve with full picture/Small Back cvr slit rip Rock ‘N Roll 1975 Capitol 16069-s M-/ M- $20 $10 2nd issue-Green Label : Looks uplayed Imagine 1982 Apple 3379-S NM/NM $35 $24 Poster & nude Yoko Postcard Double Fantasy 1986 Geffin 2001-S NM/NM $25 $19 Song Stickered Cover Live In New York City Capitol 51251-S NM / M- $15 $10 Embossed Cvr/ Spector Production (Wall of Sound?) Paul McCartney 1970 Apple 3363-S VG++/NM $20 $15 Paul’s Debut solo abum 1984 Colum 36478-S SEALED $19 $10 White Label- With Signature Pipes Of Peace 1983 Colum 39149-S M- / M- $15 $10 C/F Cover/ Geo.Martin Prod. C. Non makkaapthn 1988 EMI/ 00415-006 NM / NM $39 $19 Russian Pressing/ Choice of (McCartney in Russia)
MPL 00415-S
$60 $25 Eng. or Russian Titles Sean Lennon/Yoko Ono
Every Man Has a Woman 198? Polydor 823-490-1 M- / M- ------ $10 Lyrics/ words by Yoko+ others BEATLE RELATED ALBUMS
All This & World War ll 1977 20th cent. 2T522-s NM/M-/M- $----- $15 2 record Set- O.S.T. – G/F Cvr. Songs of Lennon & McCartney by other Artists W/ 32 Pg. Alternate Lyric/Pic book . Cover has Slight Corner wear. Off The Beatles Track 1964 U/A 6377-M NM/VG+ $50 $35 Mono recording The Buggs 196? Prem. 9052-E M-/M- $20 $15 2nd side of FRANKIE VALLI L/P The Buggs: 196? Coro- 212 – M NM / M- $20 $12 Slght rub wear on cover The Beatles Beat
Bearcats: 196? Som. 20800-S NM/NM $20 $15 Beatlemania
The Liverpools: 196? Wynco 9001-M VG+/VG+ $20 $15 “THE LIVERPOOLS” on Wyncote Beatlemania In The U.S.A.
196? Dipl. ---------- VG+/VG+ $20 $15 “THE LIVERPOOLS” same as above on Diplomat label Ringos Theme 196? Dipl. 2336-S VG++/M- $20 Beatle Wig Mono Cover Brother 4: 1964 Colum 25021-M VG+/VG+ $15 $10 Beautiful gloss cover Beatles Song Book
Johnny Mann Singers: 1964 Liberty 3301- M NM / VG++ $20 $14 1 worn cover corner Beatle Ballads
Beatlerama 1964 Dipl. 2307-S VG++/++ $35 $22 The “MANCHESTERS” Chartbusters 1964 Capitol 20494-S VG++/++ $55 $40 Beatles/Beach boys cuts Golden Favorite Gassers 1964 Scept. 524-M VG+/NM $25 $18 Murray the “K “5th Beatle” WLP Beatles Song Book 1964 Cap. 2116-M NM/NM $30 $18 Hollyridge Strings on Capitol Beatles Song Book 1964 Colum 25021-M VG+/VG+ $16 $10 “Brothers 4” The Silkie: You Got to Hide Your Love Away 1965 Fontan 67548-S VG+/NM $30 $18 Beatles credited back up . ring Wear on cover/ # on Label Magic Christian C/U 6004-S NM/ M- $35 $19 OST- Ringo Starr/Peter Sellers Chet Atkins: 1966 RCA 3531-M M- / M- $25 $14 Superficial surface scratch Side #2 (N.A.P.) Plays great Picks On The Beatles
The Baroque Beatles Book 1966 Electra 7306-m M-/VG+ $25 $18 Moog by the MERSEY KAMMERMOISKGESELLSHAFT 1966 Electra 7306-S M-/M- $30 $20 “ “ Stu Phillips: 1966 Cap. 2429-M VG+/NM $20 $15 Hollyridge Strings New Beatles Song Book
Volume . #2 Boston “ Pops” Plays the Beatles 1969 RCA 3117-S M-/M- ----- $15 NM/VG+ copy on Capitol Label= $10 Panoramic Sound of Lennon & McCartney 1969 PYE 18274-S NM / M- ----- $20 Canadian Phonodisc Pressing: Cyril Stapleton The Tribe: Sing the Creative Genius of Harrison, McCartney 197? Pick- 3265-S NM / M- ?? $20 From Vinyl Museum of Peter Dunn-Toronto & Lennon
Beatles Oldies 1970? Parlo- 7016- S NM / M- $20 $12 U.k. Pressing
Frank Chacksfield: 197? London 44141-S M-/NM $12 $9 Psychedelic Gatefold cover Plays the Beatle Song Book
PHASE 4 Stereo Audiofile Ted Heath: 1971 London 44148-S M-/M- ?? $10 U.K. Pressing, Psychedelic Gatefold Beatles,Bach & Bacharach
Great Songs of the Beatles 1972 Capitol 6735 –Quad NM/VG+ $25 $12 Various – From Lee to Gentry Beatles Talk 1977 GNE 4007-S NM/M- ?? $20 1964 & 65 Vancouver & Seattle Press Conference –B&W Gloss Meet The Rutles 1978 Warner 3151-S NM/M- $35 $22 Eric Idle/Paul Simon spoof Beatlemania-“Broadway Play” 1978 Arista 8051-S VG+/VG+ $15 $10 2-Record Set-34 pg.Winter Gdn Playbill-Slight cover crease The Beatles: 1981 Phoe-nix 1004- S M- / M- $20 $10 U.K. pressing The Early Years
BEATLES: 7” 45 rpm RECORDS( Sleeve Graded First When 2 grades indicate a picture sleeve: /Grade …indicates unsleeved disc. All are original “SWIRL” US Capitol Dome Orange & Black Labels AIN’T SHE SWEET/ Nobody’s Child 1964 ATCO 6308 /VG+ (Disc) $45 $25 NM surfaces-Multiple slide marks / PTG+/ Label Blems Twist & Shout / There’s a place 1964 Tollie 9001 / NM $35 Green Print/ Yellow Label ….Black Print “Boxed “TOLLIE” M- = $25
1964 Tollie 9001 /VG+ $35 $22 As Above P.S I Love You / 1964 Tollie 9008 /VG++ $37 Disc Only Black Label Love Me Do
She Loves You / 1964 Swan 4152 NM/NM $150 $100 Wear- back sleeve/Blk Label/ No I’ll get you
“Don’t Drop Out” logo She Loves You / 1964 Swan 4152 VG++/++ $129 $75 tiny (edge) damage on sleeve + Price / With “ DDO” I’ll get you
1964 Swan 4152 /VG++ $30 $15 Black/Silv. Label With “DDO” She Loves You / I’ll Get you 1964 Swan 4152 /NM $35 $20 Blk Lbl- With "Don't Drop Out" 1964 Swan 4152 /VG++ $55 $40 "Hofer Credit" Side #2 Please, Please Me/ From Me to You 1964 VJ 581 /NM $75 Black "Brackets" Label/ in Original STOCK sleeve
1964 VJ 581 /VG+ $35 $15 Plain Black Label/Silver print 1964 VJ 581 /VG+ $30 $19 Rainbow Lbl/ With Brackets 1964 VJ 581 /VG+ $25 $15 Oval Lbl /Visual vg Plays NM Do You Want to Know/ 1964 VJ 587 $75 Black Label/Lines / scacer "VJ" In Brackets /2 Pin Holes -Sleeve Thank You Girl
NM /M- $175
1964 VJ 587 NM / M- $175 $75 No Line Blk label / VEE Jay Spelled out/ Stock sleeve I Want to Hold Your Hand/ I saw Her standing There (2) 1964 Capitol 5112 NM/NM $120 Staple holes-Corner/Old Glue Mark- Back/ Original Issue !
1964 “ 5112 NM+/NM+ $135 $105 Call it M-/Tiny scratch leadin groove “HOFER “ Credit original 1964 " 5112 M- / M- $150 $122 Orig. Disc "GIL" Music Credit 1964 " 5112 /NM $55 $30 Orig/"Hofer "Credit/stock Sleeve CAN’T BUY ME LOVE/ You Can’t do That 1964 " 5150 /NM $45 $25 With Music Credits/Original Swirl label (Disc only) 1964 " 5150 /VG+ $23 $10 As Above/Stock Cap. Sleeve HARD DAYS NIGHT/ Should Have Known Better 1964 “ 5222 NM/VG+ $90 $50 Lite perimeterl wear on 1 cover side/”Unart & MaClen” credits SLOW DOWN/ Matchbox 1964 “ 5255 M- / NM $110 $75 Oriignal Swirl Label pressing I FEEL FINE/ Slow down 1964 “ 5327 VG++/NM $65 $40 Price Stamp Side #2 –Cover staple marks-Corner TICKET TO RIDE/ Yes It Is 1965 “ 55407 M- $100 $50 Pic sleeve Only /SCARCE ! Help/ I'm Down 1968 “ 5476 VG++/NM $140 $89 Disc: Cap Dome Logo/ Cover: Very lite #21 1968 " 5476 VG++/NM $125 $65 Small # on Side 2 Label –Original /Cover- near invisible ringwear Yesterday / Act Naturally 1965 " 5498 NM/NM $100 $70 Staple Holes- Corner Cover-Price - on Back /Original Disc 1965 “ 5498 VG++/NM $60 $35 Cvr: Name in ink 1 side label Disc: Cap. Dome Logo 1965 " 5498 VG+/ NM $97 $55 Lite edge sleeve creases/ Shadow of ringwear on one side WE CAN WORK IT OUT/ 1967 “ 5555 NM / M- $59 $29 Orig. Capitol Dome (Left) Staple Day Tripper
holes in NM Sleeve corner NOWHERE MAN/What goes on 1969 “ 5587 M- / NM $125 $95 Disc: Scarce Lennon/McCartney Starkey Credits Rain/ Paperback writer 1966 “ 5651 NM / NM $110 $75 N/M PIc Sleeve Only : Tiny puncture 1 side= $50 (Orig. straight Cut) Rain/ Paperback writer 1966 Capitol 5651 Vg++/-- $55 $25 Pic sleeve with label glue on 1 side+ small tear in same corner YELLOW SUBMARINE/ E. Rigby 1966 “ 5715 VG++/ $80 $50 Sleeve only/ 10 % ringwear Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane 1967 " 5810 NM / NM $165 $100 Original: PSO 10% R/W= $50 All You Need is Love/ You’re a Richman 1967 " 5964 VG+/NM $65 $50 Originall: No "Subsidery " Lbl Straight cut / ++ (Disc only)= $15 Kansas City / Boys -1965 " 6066 /VG+ $50 $32 Green "STARLINE" Label copy My Bonnie/The Saints (with Tony Sheridan) 1964 MGM 13213 $60 $45 VG++ sleeve with Piece missing at Thumbcut/ 1" edge tear
Vg / NM
LADY MADONNA/ Inner Light 1968 Apple 2138 VG+/ NM $70 $45 Lite to moderate R/W & Minor creases on sleeve Revolution/ Hey Jude 1968 Apple 2276 /NM $12 $10 Capitol Logo/ 2- scratches: NAP Come Together/ Something 1969 Apple 2654 /NM $12 $10 Stock apple sleeve/Capitol Logo LET IT BE/ You know my name 1970 “ 2764 NM /NM $75 $50 Original: Straight cut sleeve 1970 “ 2764 VG++/NM $55 $40 As above-1 edge crease-Hint of Ring Wear Winding Road/ For you Blue 1970 Apple 2832 VG+/NM $40 $25 (#1 )Spot & 2 tiny tears at slit on otherwise NM Sleeve. -2
(#2) Date stamp & R/W on cover Helter Skelter/ Got to get You 1976 Capitol 4274 NM/VG++ $22 $15 Orange Label/Perfect cover 1976 “ 4274 NM/M- $20 $15 Orange Label/Cover: 1 lite fold Sergeant Pepper 1979 Capitol 4651 NM/NM $48 $32 Gloss Picture sleeve Ticket To Ride 1967 “ 5407 M- / -- $150 $75 Pic. sleeve Only- SCARCE FOREIGN BEATLES 45 RPM RECORDS & RELATED ITEMS
I Feel Fine/ She's A woman 1964
5200 M- $25 $20 UK Sleeve-Center Piece intact Help/ I Feel Fine 1965
5305 M- $25 $20 Parlophone: As Above We CAN WORK IT OUT/ Day Tripper 1985
5389 NM/M- $25 $13 Black & silv/ Label-Partial Lite Ring wear on sleeve Hello, GOODBye/ I am the Walrus 1987
5655 NM/NM $25 $13 As above She Loves you/ I'll Get You 1983
5055 M- $20 $15 As Above My Bonnie/ The Saints 1964
13213 VG+ $90 $65 German: in stock Sleeve You've Got to Hide Your Love / City Winds 1965
1525 NM $20 $12 The Silkie: UK Group backed by uncredited BEATLES !!
4 BY THE BEATLES 1964 Capitol EP 2121 /VG+ $75 $45 No Cover : Disc Only LES BEATLES 1965 Odeon ME 116 M- / M- $60 $35 French E/P BEATLES HITS+ 3 Parlo. GEP 8880 M- / M- $35 $20 U.K. pressing- Yellow & black label with intact center piece TWIST & SHOUT+ 3 “ GEP 8882 M- / M- $35 $20 As above/Slight corner bend/small stain in field 1 side ALL MY LOVING: +3 Parlo. GEP 8891 NM / M- $30 $20 U.K pressing-Disc impression-on cover/Center punchout intact LONG TALL SALLY +3 “ GEP 8913 M- / M- $30 $20 Gloss Picture Sleeve HARD DAY’S NIGHT +3 “ GEP 8920 M- / NM $30 $20 As above MILLION SELLERS +3 “ GEP 8946 M- / M- $30 $20 As above YESTERDAY: +3 “ GEP 8948 NM/NM $30 $20 Slight disc impression on cover
John Lennon:
WOMAN/Beautiful Boys 1980 Geffen 49644 NM/ M- $20 $10 Side “B” by Yoko Ono McCartney & Micheal Jackson 1982 Epic M- / M- $15 $10 Picture sleeved 45- “t
“This Girl is Mine/ Rain RINGO STARR:
IT DON’T COME EASY/Early 1971 Apple 1831 VG++/++ $20 $10 Side #1 is M- / ½ scratch S # 2 ONLY YOU / Call ME 1976 Apple 1876 VG++/NM $20 $10 Custom Nebula Label Happy to help arrange shipping to your location
Must be picked up in Central NJ or we can arrange shipping to your location.
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