Pink Floyd "Live in Montreux" 1971 pink vinyl 3lp's
  $   234


$ 234 Sold For
May 26, 2008 Sold Date
May 16, 2008 Start Date
18   Number Of Bids
  USA Country Of Seller
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 Hello! Up for bids is a copy of Pink Floyd "Live in Montreux 1971" on the Swinging Pig label. The box is in excellent condition with only two breaks to the top cover around the edge, and the vinyl is Mint! Absolutely essential live Floyd when they were playing their earliest stuff,,,,,I have always used this record to scare the pants off trick-or-treaters on Halloween!See how they run!!!!! I hate to part with this gem, but the wife demands some funds for our anniversary party,,,well, as long as it goes to a keg of Pilsner Urquell, I guess so.Fifteen years of wedded bliss is worth it,,,,I think. I have a small reserve on this record so I can sleep at night, but don't let that scare you. This is one rare record! And one He/? of a show! I wont go on, if you read this far you know this already. Zero  and  negative feedback need to plead before bidding. I will ship whatever way the winning bidder prefers, and it will be secure.I will ship worldwide. I am always happy to combine shipping on multiple wins. Thanks for looking and good luck bidding! Edward.

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