Martzy Lefebure Kujken Kogan Szeryng Shafran Milstein Grumiaux Fournier Bach
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Columbia / Deutsche Grammophon-Gesellschaft / Philips
Ducretet-Thompson / Les Discophiles Francais / Pathé / Erato
His Master’s Voice / Capitol / Odeon / Telefunken
Cetra / Mercury / Decca / RCA / Eterna / Vanguard
among other labels
collection of
144 LPs / 6 (10 ") EPs - stereo / mono
var. artists
cover : sealed / near mint / very good (+)
LPs : sealed / mint / very good +
various records and musical genres including recordings of following artists:
* Claudio Arrau *
* Wilhelm Backhaus *
* Pierre Barbizet *
* Reinhold Barchet *
* Borodine Quartet *
*Alfredo Campoli *
* Guido Cantelli *
* Pablo Casals *
* André Cluytens *
* Alfred Cortot *
* Clifford Curzon *
* Antal Dorati *
* Mischa Elman *
* Devy Erlih *
* Christian Ferras *
* Anatole Fistoulari *
* Pierre Fournier *
* Samson Francois *
* Ferenc Fricsay *
* Willhelm Furtwängler *
* Alceo Galliera *
* Maurice Gendron *
* Walter Gieseking *
* Eugene Goosens *
* Arthur Grumiaux *
* The Guarneri Quartet *
* Ida Haendel *
* Clara Haskil *
* Heutling Quartet *
* Ludwig Hoelscher *
* Vladimir Horovitz *
* Herbert von Karajan *
* Julius Katchen *
* Wilhelm Kempff *
* Erich Kleiber *
* Hans Knappertsbusch *
* Rudolf Kempe *
* István Kertesz *
* Otto Klemperer *
* Leonid Kogan *
* Kiril Kondrashin *
* Lili Kraus *
* Rafael Kubelik *
* Sigiswald Kuijken *
* Wanda Landowska *
* Dinu Lipatti *
* Loewenguth Quartet *
* Moura Lympany *
* Johanna Martzy *
* Yehudi Menuhin *
* Nathan Milstein *
* Pierre Monteux *
* Gerald Moore *
* Yves Nat *
* André Navarra *
* Ginette Neveu *
* Elly Ney *
* Esther Nyffenegger *
* David Oistrakh *
* Vlado Perlemuter *
* Itzhak Perlman *
* Victor Pikaisen *
* Vasa Prihoda *
* Michael Rabin *
* Suzanne Ramon *
* Michael Raucheisen *
* Ruggiero Ricci *
* Mstislav Rostropovich *
* Artur Rubinstein *
* Malcolm Sargent *
* Wolfgang Schneiderhan *
* György Sebôk *
* Carl Seemann *
* Daniel Shafran *
* Constantin Silvestri *
* Georg Solti *
*Janos Starker *
* Henryk Szeryng *
* Josef Szigeti *
* Emil Telmániy *
* Rosalyn Tureck *
* Ulbrich Quartet *
* Tibor Varga *
* Vienna Octet *
* Gioconda de Vito *
* Günther Weissenborn *
* Carlo Zecchi *
* var. orchestras and accompanists *
(uncomplete artist listing)
This collection includes a stunning selection of chamber music recordings, var. recordings of Bach's Cello Suites & Violin Partitas / Sonatas by Daniel Shafran, Pierre Fournier, Henryk Szeryng, Leonid Kogan, Sigiswald Kuijken among other artists as well as recordings of major classical & virtuoso violin and cello pieces by outstanding artists. With this LP lot you may have the opportunity to buy some of the most magnificent chamber music & piano recitals of recording history.
Have a look at my other current auctions including rare classical records (single records & lots) with stunning recordings by
Quatuor Haydn
Agnelle Bundervoet
Ataulfo Argenta SXL issues
Ernest Ansermet SXL issues
Wilhelm Backhaus SXL issues
Fritz Reiner LSC issues
Maria Callas SAX issues
Janos Starker on Mercury / Columbia SAX (following soon)
Shipping to USA is not 4.00 USD (as stated in the shipping details). Item is located in Germany, so US- buyers have to pay the shipping fees listed under "worldwide shipping" in this description.
Für den (beschränkt versicherten) Versand der ca. 40 kg schweren Pakete innerhalb Deutschlands ergeben sich mit DHL vorausichtliche Versandkosten in Höhe von 23,80 €.
International shipping costs (38 kg lot in two packets):
POSTAGE EU: DHL shipment 60 €
POSTAGE USA, Canada: DHL 132 €
ASIA: registered shipment DHL 178 €
Innerhalb Deutschlands bitte nur Banküberweisung.
This is a private auction, so no warranty whatsoever can be given. Item is located in Germany. Multiple orders can be combined to reduce postage costs.