Buddy Holly - I Want To Play House With You - acetate
  $   1,725


$ 1725 Sold For
Jul 2, 2009 Sold Date
Jun 25, 2009 Start Date
$   25 Start price
10   Number Of Bids
  USA Country Of Seller
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Buddy Holly's June 7, 1955 recordings on acetate of "I Want To Play House With You" backed with "Got To Get You Near Me Blues".  As far as I'm concened this is Buddy's finest rock-a-billy record he ever recorded.  Certainly better than any of Elvis's or Arthur Gunther.  Although Buddy does repeat the guitar solo that Scotty Moore did, at least he repeated the best of the two that Scotty played.  The record is 55 years old and still plays well.  Like the other acetate I have for sale I also had this one burned to CD and it recorded fine.  This would make a great addition to any serious record collector or to a true Buddy Holly fan.

Joe Westbrook


On Jun-29-09 at 13:27:46 PDT, seller added the following information:

Please note that this is an alternate take from master numbers: 114936M and 114937S and has not been over dubbed nor tampered with in any way.  I felt everone should be aware of this and realize that it is the genuine article and not a latter day "bootleg" or "pirated" copy.


Joe Westbrook


On Jun-30-09 at 07:17:25 PDT, seller added the following information:

These additional photos are in response for a request for more photos.  The one "autographed " album has nothing to do with the acetate for sale but should ease your nind if you have any doubts about our relatonship with Buddy and subsequently his widow.  Maria Elena remains to this day my wife, Sara, and my very dearest friend.  Hopefully this provenence as it were is helpful.  If you have any questions at all feel free to ask.



Joe Westbrook


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